MONOPOLY Championship History Wiki

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This wiki is intended to serve as a repository of all past MONOPOLY Championships and their winners, including tournaments at the World, Country, and State/Province/Region levels, starting with the first MONOPOLY World Championship in 1973, all the way down to local charity tournaments. Learn all the details on past tournaments, record-setting players, and world competitions such as the 2015 World Championship.  Need help? Have a question? Then make your way over to the forums! This wiki also serves as a great place to get discussions going about MONOPOLY strategies and local charity tournaments.


Please note that this wiki is still in development, with a current total of 157 articles. Please do not vandalize or disrupt any of the current articles unless you are contributing to the wiki.

MONOPOLY is a trademark of Hasbro; this wiki is unaffiliated with Hasbro. All photos used on this wiki are either part of press kits from Hasbro/Parker Brothers, added by the producers of Under the Boardwalk, submitted by the copyright holder, or are being used under fair use.

Adding Information

When you add missing information to a page, to make sure your edit is not reversed, please include some verifiable proof as to your information, such as a newspaper article, website covering a tourney, or documents from the actual tournament.

This wiki was created and is primarily maintained by the director of Under the Boardwalk: The MONOPOLY Story, an Emmy award-winning documentary about the history of the game of MONOPOLY and the people who play it. Check it out at, on Amazon, VHX, and Steam.

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